Recent Articles
An appeal from Yvonne Hays
From the community meeting Oct 22, 2023 You are encouraged to vote yes in support of Mogadore’s School Levy. Operating funds are used for expenses such as staff salaries, benefits, utilities, supplies and transportation, and are essential to maintain and continuously improve Mogadore Schools’ high-quality academic programming, extracurricular activities, student wellness and safety, and athletics. As much as we support Mogadore academics and athletics, our passion for the district came because of the support we have received for the special education programming.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the levy for? The levy is an operating levy to fund a portion of the forecasted deficit at the end of the next school year. The school district already had to cut 5% of its expenses at the end of the last school year.
How much would this cost me? For a house appraised at $100k by the county fiscal office, this would be approximately $17 a month before any applicable reductions.
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